Be prepared with Sound Advice's Founder Kit
:Sound Advice Biotin Trace Mix
Sound Advice Relief Mix
Sound Advice Good to Go Powder and complimentary Founder Facts Booklet
Sound Advice Biotin Trace Mix
Studies show biotin supplementation improves hoof horn condition and growth. Biotin Trace also includes copper, zinc and iodine that have a role in supporting immune function, collagen and bone. Iodine is required for healthy thyroid function. Symptoms of iodine deficiency include: equine metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance.
Dosage: 1 scoop (provided) contains 250mg copper, 600mg zinc, 3mg iodine in a biotin premix. 1 scoop per day. Use 1.5 scoops for a horse over 600kg.
Sound Advice Relief Mix – an alternative to bute. 1kg heat-sealed pouch. Sound Advice Relief Mix is a combination of Devil’s Claw(harpagophytum procumbent) MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) and glucosamine. Both are used for their pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. In cases where long-term pain relief is required, such as laminitis, navicular syndrome, tendonitis, chronic arthritis or joint pain, Relief Mix is preferable to phenylbutazone, as it will not cause the same damage to the gastro-intestinal system, or inhibit healing the way bute can. The dosage is 30gms. You can use this dosage twice a day during the acute stage and then drop to once a day. Adjust this dosage for the size of your horse.
Please note: pain and other symptoms will be masked – not cured. Ensure that your horse does not overexercise or cause additional damage.
Sound Advice Good to Go Hooves can often attract fungal and bacterial infections - especially in wet conditions.
Good to Go makes it easy keeping hooves clean and dry. Just pick out your hooves and dust on the Good to Go Powder and you're Good to Go!! Also great to use with hoof boots.Good to Go is in an easy-to-use, witches-hat container for getting into cracks and hollows. Good to Go is made from natural products that are safe to handle and won't damage you horse's skin or frog tissue.
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Sound Advice has been in business since 2006.
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