When I first started learning about hoof trimming, wild horse hooves were held up as the gold standard.
We were being shown specimens like this.

Perfect hooves naturally, right?
I flew to Alice Springs to look at live and cadaver specimens, and this is what wild hooves actually look like.

Contracted heels. Overlaid bars. Long walls.

This is the sort of ground they were travelling on most of the time.

Their hooves were a mess! But we still rode for six to eight hours on them each day.
Really, what we want our domestic horses' barefoot hooves to look like is the idealised version of how we think wild horses hooves are - the best qualities of them as an aggregate - rather than the reality of how they are.
What struck me more than that was the soundness of the horses, irrespective of the imbalances in the hooves. In other words, it's not actually about what they look like. Soundness has little to do with aesthetics. We can get hung up on what hooves look like but hoof shape is only one consideration when it comes to the soundness of the horse. We need to look at the whole animal.