It's very common for horses to have stinky hooves as the weather warms and the ground is more moist.
Aside from the unpleasant smell, it can be a painful, irritating, debilitating condition that can manifest serious lameness symptoms. Over the time we have been in business we have attended many 'navicular syndrome' horses that have been retired, or were facing euthanasia who simply had chronic thrush.
There are several cheap household items you have in your kitchen and bathroom right now that you can use to combat hoof thrush.

Keep some mouthwash in a spray bottle with your hoof pick and spray when you are picking out your horses feet.
Keep some dishwashing detergent and a scrubbing brush in your wash bay to scrub your horses soles when you are hosing off.
Eucalyptus oil and tea tree oil are also available in the supermarket and effective at keeping greeblies at bay. Spray them on the hoof wall to help with sand cracks.
We also make two products that can help with bacterial and fungal infection in hooves.
Good to Go Hoof powder is perfect for keeping hooves dry. It's also perfect to use with your hoof boots. These were made in consultation with our hoof clients 20 years ago, and we still make them by hand today.
For seedy toe we have this nifty little 'Go Easy' squeeze bottle. Gently pick out as much of the hole from the bacterial as possible, and then squeeze in. Job done.
Our complete range of topical hoof treatments is also available together.