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Oct 123 min read
Equine Teeth
Understanding how your horse's teeth work will help you make decisions about their husbandry.
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Sep 214 min read
What is that lump?
Horses can develop lumps for various reasons. Here are some common causes:
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Aug 154 min read
Considering Joint Injections?
When it comes to managing joint health in horses, owners turn to joint injections as a solution. But what are the implications for health?
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Jul 263 min read
Pasture and Supplementary Feeding Across the Seasons
As the seasons change, so do your horse's nutritional needs. Properly adjust your horse's diet to the qualities of the pasture.
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Jul 183 min read
Windgalls and other lower leg swelling in Horses
Managing windgalls and other lower limb lameness in horses involves a combination of treatments and preventive measures.
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Jul 113 min read
Poo Alchemy
Collect manures for parasite management. Grow vegetables.
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Jun 193 min read
Improve Circulation, Flexibility and Muscle Health for Free
We often see clients who have a professional equine masseur attend to their horses. They are prepared to stand there for an hour while...
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Oct 5, 20233 min read
Can We Treat Itch? Yes! What's the Secret?
Queensland Itch, or sweet itch, also known as summer eczema or pruritus, is a common condition in horses that causes severe itching and...
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Sep 21, 20233 min read
Weird Symptoms? Here's a Cause You May Not Have Considered
Does your horse, or a horse you know have a range of weird symptoms? Unexplained abrasions on the face, fetlocks, knees and hocks?...
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Aug 12, 20232 min read
What Colour Suits My Horse?
The colours that look better on different horses vary. Here are some general guidelines
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Mar 19, 20232 min read
10 common expressions that have their origins in horses
It's no surprise that language is filled with expressions and idioms related to horses. Here are some common ones.
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Feb 16, 20232 min read
5 Horse Health Hacks you can buy from the Supermarket
As a horse owner, you know that taking care of your equine companion can be expensive. From feed to supplements, the cost of horse...
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Feb 14, 20234 min read
Saddle Fit: Why it Matters for Your Horse's Comfort and Well-Being
Riding a horse can be an enjoyable and fulfilling experience for both the rider and the horse. However, a poorly fitting saddle can cause...
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Feb 6, 20232 min read
Selenium in Horse Nutrition: Importance and Benefits
In order to maintain your horse's health and performance, it is important to provide them with a balanced diet that meets their...
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Jul 29, 20222 min read
Ageing a Horse by its Teeth, and Calorie Considerations for the Older Horse
There's a very common myth that horses grow teeth throughout their whole life. That's not true.
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Nov 13, 20191 min read
Wild Horse Hooves are not the Gold Standard
We are often shown wild horse hooves as the gold standard of what hooves should look like, but is that what they actually look like?
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